Submit a Map!
Submit a map to the Library! Your map will join our
archives and other registered users of Bakudanjin will be able to
download and play it! Compressed files only, please.
Note that map files must be compressed! No files over 300k will be allowed,
but with compression most maps should never reach that limit. If you have a map
that you would like to submit that is too large, please e-mail our webmaster a
message (do not attach the file yet) at webmaster@dreamdawn.com.
Note: This upload utility is for the exchange of Bakudanjin maps ONLY! If it is abused, it will
go away! Any non-map uploads will quickly be erased, and any files containing objectionable
language or content will also be erased. We log all transactions, and we will contact your
ISP if necessary! Thank you for your understanding.